Sex, sun and gambling tempt the lovely Veronica. Traveling with her uncle and horny butler to various casinos on the French Riviera, she can have pretty much anything she wants… except for the love of a man. The game of roulette, not sex, is what really turns her on! As her uncle beds many young ladies with his large fortune and libido (this old dude gets more action than James Bond), Veronica lives a charmed life but feels empty inside. Will she ever find love? How far will her uncle go to help her?
A West German/Belgium erotic oddity starring mostly French actors and actresses, SEX ROULETTE was heavily edited in various countries upon release. This presentation is the longer English dubbed 85 minute version, with all the sexually charged sequences intact, including the full “pigsty” scene and the weird “nightmare” sequence involving monk robes, a pregnant woman and a really large knife. Fully remastered in anamorphic 1.66:1 widescreen from original 35mm vault materials.